Sunday, May 26, 2013

How to become a badass writer.

English: penulis = writer
English: penulis = writer (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I'm working through a new writing book, I haven't given up on the other one I just plan on working my way through both Creating Character Emotions and the new one.  Which is  "Bagels, Dirty Limericks, and Martinis: The Badass Guide to Writing Your First Book" by Sonja Foust and Lisa Bledsoe. If you don't know who Sonja Foust is, you need to google The Pintester. She has to be one of the funniest bloggers I have ever come across. She and Lisa have written 2ish books on writing. 

Anyhow, the first assignment in "Bagels, Dirty Limericks, and Martinis: The Badass Guide to Writing Your First Book" is to write down your fears about writing and to ask yourself a series of questions about each fear. Ending in deciding what you are willing to do about those fears and when you will work on them. I have put what tasks I am willing to do in parenthesis. 


  1. I'm not good enough
    1. Is this true?
                                                              i. No, well maybe a little if I don’t work at it
    1. What happens when I believe it?
                                                              i. I give up.
    1. Whom would I be if I gave up on this thought?
                                                              i. A better writer and a happier person
    1. What can I do about it?
                                                              i. Get better
                                                            ii. (Hone my craft)
                                                          iii. Blog more
                                                          iv. (Talk to my councilor)
                                                            v. Meditate
    1. When?
                                                              i. ii. A little bit each day (10,000 ) hours
                                                            ii. In the fall

  1. I will never be as good as my favorite writers

    1. Is this true?
                                                              i. Yes/no, so what
    1. What happens when I believe it?
                                                              i. I feel inferior
    1. Whom would I be if I gave up on this thought?
                                                              i. A more confident writer
    1. What can I do about it?
                                                              i. (Read more)
                                                            ii. (Write to them)
                                                          iii. (Write to them and never send the letters)
                                                          iv. Join a writing group
                                                            v. (Work on my writing)
                                                          vi. Take a writing class
    1. When?
                                                              i. Over the summer
                                                            ii. Start by posting tomorrow on their blogs and work my way to actually talking with them.
                                                          iii. See above

  1. I lack staying power
    1. Is this true?
                                                              i. somewhat
    1. What happens when I believe it?
                                                              i. I don’t even start or I give up halfway through
    1. Whom would I be if I gave up on this thought?
                                                              i. Someone who will finish a project
    1. What can I do about it?
                                                              i. (Set goals/steps)
                                                            ii. (Reward myself)
                                                          iii. Punish myself but not too much
                                                          iv. (Finish another project)
                                                            v. (Do a little every day)
                                                          vi. Stick to a schedule
                                                        vii. View it like taking a class
                                                      viii. (Find apps)
                                                          ix. Use apps
    1. When?
                                                              i.  Tomorrow and today
                                                            ii. As I meet my goals
                                                          iii. Start tomorrow on the bookcase
1.      Work tonight on crochet
                                                          iv. Every day
                                                            v. Tonight

  1. No one will like/buy my books
    1. Is this true?
                                                              i. No, my family and friends will at least buy it.
    1. What happens when I believe it?
                                                              i. I get depressed
    1. Whom would I be if I gave up on this thought?
                                                              i. A happier unafraid writer
    1. What can I do about it?
                                                              i. Not care
                                                            ii. (Share it anyways)
                                                          iii. Write for myself
                                                          iv. Write in fields people do like
    1. When?
                                                              i. When I finish writing something

  1. no one will publish me
    1. Is this true?
                                                              i. maybe
    1. What happens when I believe it?
                                                              i. I don’t share what I write
    1. Whom would I be if I gave up on this thought?
                                                              i. A person who is less concerned about “success”
    1. What can I do about it?
                                                              i. Not care about the money or fame
                                                            ii. Self publish
                                                          iii. (Blog it)
                                                          iv. Fan fiction sites
                                                            v. Writing sites
                                                          vi. Write for myself
                                                        vii. Amazon
    1. When?
                                                              i. Today
1.      As I work through things
2.      When I finish

  1. I don't have time
    1. Is this true?
                                                              i. A little
    1. What happens when I believe it?
                                                              i. I don’t make time
    1. Whom would I be if I gave up on this thought?
                                                              i. Someone willing to work through issues to make time
    1. What can I do about it?
                                                              i. Make time
                                                            ii. Give up facebook
                                                          iii. Stop playing games
                                                          iv. (Quit playing as much)
                                                            v. (Write in the mornings and evenings)
                                                          vi. Now’s when I have the most time
                                                        vii. (Nanowrimo)
    1. When?
                                                              i. Start tomorrow by limiting time on games
                                                            ii. Tomorrow
                                                          iii. November

  1. I can't write dialog
    1. Is this true?
                                                              i. yes
    1. What happens when I believe it?
                                                              i. I don’t work at it
    1. Whom would I be if I gave up on this thought?
                                                              i. Someone confident in their skills
    1. What can I do about it?
                                                              i. Practice
                                                            ii. Write down what people say
                                                          iii. (Find some books about how to)
                                                          iv. Take some writing classes
                                                            v. (Find blogs/vlogs/podcasts)
    1. When?
                                                              i. Tonight and tomorrow and continuously

  1. My writing is cheesy
    1. Is this true?
                                                              i. no
    1. What happens when I believe it?
                                                              i.  I overanalyze
    1. Whom would I be if I gave up on this thought?
                                                              i. More decisive
    1. What can I do about it?
                                                              i. Not worry about it
                                                            ii. Get critiques
                                                          iii. Work at it
                                                          iv. Take a class
                                                            v. (See above)
    1. When?
                                                              i. See above

  1. my writing will be derivative
    1. Is this true?
                                                              i. Yes, but so is everyone else.
    1. What happens when I believe it?
                                                              i. I overanalyze and give up
    1. Whom would I be if I gave up on this thought?
                                                              i. Not afraid to work with my own ideas even if they are similar to other things
    1. What can I do about it?
                                                              i. (See above items)
                                                            ii. Use websites that check for plagiarisms
                                                          iii. Have other fans read it
    1. When?
                                                              i. See above

  1. Fear of revealing too much
    1. Is this true?
                                                              i. possibly
    1. What happens when I believe it?
                                                              i. I become afraid of my image
    1. Whom would I be if I gave up on this thought?
                                                              i. Unafraid
    1. What can I do about it?
                                                              i. (Publish under an assumed name)
                                                            ii. Not care
                                                          iii. (Be more open with people)
    1. When?
                                                              i. When I finish writing something
                                                            ii. Today by blogging this
  1. I’m not funny.
    1. Is this true?
                                                              i. Not really
    1. What happens when I believe it?
                                                              i. I try too hard
    1. Whom would I be if I gave up on this thought?
                                                              i. A funny person
    1. What can I do about it?
                                                              i. Don’t try to be
                                                            ii. Work at it
                                                          iii. (Watch/read more comedies)
    1. When?
                                                              i. Over the summer.

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